Thursday, October 30, 2008


There's a girl named Annika.She is my friend.She is 15 years old.But is in my class.Which is class
7.If she has any problem, she will always count on me.Like last week she said that she's going to
die.I asked her why.She said that, she believed that if she saw a bird past by her, that means she's going to die.Then i said no! you are not going to die.This is all nonsense!Last time she fast.But not in the month of Ramadan.I think she fast because of something else.Or because she dont want to die.Once she also told me that she has a secret.She said every time its weekend, she always go out for a jog at 6.00 a.m.She will jog around the house and sometimes even dance.She laughed when she said that.Sometimes she even asked me to do her work.But i never did her work.My mom call her Annika Ragam because i always tell my mom about Annika.She likes Ali so much.She say Ali is cute.I am telling about Annika because she is different.She doesn't have much friend like everyone does.She looks so different and seemed to be left behind.But she always look happy.Well, we don't know whats in her heart.Must be something right? Here is a couple of photos.Ohh by the way, she's a Bangala.

Amanda Zulkarnain


Anonymous said...

Amanda's bangladeshi friend looks like mk cks cousin mak da, kan?. its good to befriend her, it might lighten her problems. MC

Anonymous said...

hi manda,best x duduk oman?dah dapat kawan yg berdekatan ngan rumah awk?.manda selalu lah bukak myspace yeah.[I....MISS....YOU....SO....MUCH...]NAK TANYA LAGI NIH,AKHIR TAHUN NANTI BALIK MALAYSIA X?.MISS YOU.

ShookranJazilan said...

Hi Zulfa!!! terima kasih komen.Kawan dekat umah x de lagi la.Sume org arab.X boleh la nk kwn dgn org arab.x reti nk ckp bahasa arab laa.sikit2 je.Akhir tahun nnt??tah la x tau la balik mesia ke x.sbb skola kat sini bru je awl taun.x la kita tgk la dulu.haa sebelum terlupa,ko pnye anak patung aritu lupa nk bwk prgi p skang ni anak patung ko tu ade kat umah nnk aku.Insyallah klu aku blik mesia nnt n still contact kau,aku anta kat bersaba la ekk.Anyway, i miss you too.ckp kat arif adam n ali said hi ohh kat aina jugak!!!!!miss u

ShookranJazilan said...

Hi mak cek.... sorry la, komen dah anta awl2 lgi, ingt kn masuk skali cek tgk x masuk la muka annika tu mmg mcm mak da.mak kata mak tgk bru prasan.anyway,thanks for comment