Thursday, November 20, 2008

Craft Bazaar

Last weekend my family and i went to a craft bazaar.It was fun! There were so many stuff there.And almost everything was handmade.I bought a scarf since winter is coming.And bought a cute pencil doll.Ohh and also a cute heart shaped small cushion.I dint buy all this stuff exactly.My mom and dad bought it for me.My dad says its OK to buy here because all of our money will go to the disabled children in Al-Battinah school.My scarf is pink in colour.I first bought two doll pencils.Then one is for my friend.Because it was her birthday that day.If you want to know about the birthday party, wait until my next blog come.hehehee.Ok back to the Craft bazaar.The stuff there are very expensive.Only my dad's college store stuff's was cheap.But it is still expensive compare to two dollars shop at mak tok's house.Tok wan always bring us there.It was so much fun in the olden days.I bought the doll pencils at my dad's college store.The scarf is from a craft shop too. But i don't know its name .My mom bought a paper weight from my dad's college.Also she bought a coin bank and a 2009 calendar.

Talking about the stones, we made some at home that night.I made something simple.Just a heart on a rock.And a mangosteen too.My mom made a half cucumber half watermelon.You want to know why it is half cucumber and half watermelon? Thats because my mom wanted to make a cucumber but it turns out to be a watermelon instead.Adam made a REAL watermelon.It looks almost real.Also delicious.Ummm yum...yum...Ali made a..a..I don't exactly know what it is.But just take a look see at the picture then try and guess.My dad, he made a lady bird and a lip.For more information see picture below.hehe.My dad didn't just made those.He also made what we made.My dad helps us a lot.By putting the varnish, fixing those itsy bits, us ideas.He helped my mom's 'cucumelon'. Adam's watermelon. Ali's i don't know what? My mangosteen and also heart on the rock.Not the wrestling THE ROCK.This time it's the nature THE ROCK.Hahaha. Ok I guess thats it for now.Till next time..
Does it looks real and delicious??heheeheh(Adams)
Hmm... what do you think it is?(Ali's)
My mom's 'Cucumelon' (again)
My heart on THE ROCK! hehehe..
My fathers shining lips.
My scarf
The pencil dolls
Amanda Zulkarnain


Anonymous said...

hi manda,rasanye lah kan nak gak gi oman.sebab mcm2 ada kat sana.mesti seronok,seronok x duk kat oman???.miss you!!!

ShookranJazilan said...

Hi Zulfa.Ok la jgk dok malaysia lg best.haa klu ko nk dtg oman dtg laa.Hotel ada ni haa free je kt umah aku.....heheeh.Thank you Zulfa rajin baca...

Anonymous said...

rafiq dan zimah paling suka ladybird, bawa la ladybird tu balik malaysia. daniel suka watermelon adam....nampak real sangat.

Anonymous said...

batu ali yang paling unik dan cantik sebab semua orang tak tahu apa benda yang ali lukis ...hahahahahaha.daniel

zoolmd said...
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Anonymous said...

nak tau apa mak kita kata bukak myspace

ShookranJazilan said...

Hmm tah la.wey nnt klu ada mse on9 la...apa emel ko ekk?lupa plak.nnt kita emel je la ye...